I'm Joel. Music producer gone developer living in Stockholm, Sweden. I'm passionate about creative coding and music. You can also find my music productions for commercials and film here. Here is my Github and here is my LinkedIn. Thanks for stopping by!
When the 3D-renderer in the p5-library broke down, I saw it as a great oppurtunity to write one of my own as well as explore 3D rendering. I went on to write some music for the scene and turned the surroundings into a visualizer with the help of the p5-sound library.
A JavaScript remake and my own take on the great little arcade game PacXon. In terms of sheer size and challenge it is one of my most ambitious projects to date. Both in reasoning of fundamental game engine concepts, as well as how to implement physics and use algorithms to make the game come alive.
An entrance installation at the Hyper Island "Exploring Tech"-event using Arduinos and sensors. The concept was for the visitor to record their heart beat and temperature using sensors, and then to present that information via a unique blinking colored lamp on a wall of lights. We ended up building a tunnel with 400 LED-lights on each side, resulting in a sea of pulses and colors.
A website for my music productions. I also wrote a CMS for easy future updates. Written with an attempt at best practices working with mobile first, BEM, PostCSS, Gulp, NPM, responsive images, Usemin, Uglify, Webpack and Babel and all that other good stuff!
A level editor for a VanillaJS version of Super Mario Bros 1, perhaps a poor mans Mario Maker if you like. During a course in remaking Super Mario for the web, I saw the need to easily create levels, so I challenged myself to build an graphical interface and eventually export appropriately formatted JSONs. It's a very recent project and a work in progress, but one I am very excited about.
This is the result of an excellent course I took on Udemy on modern web development tools. I learned everything from organisational concepts, best practices, how to work productively with Git, as well as tools such as Gulp, Node.js, and Babel.
A VAT-calculator. Not more, not less. Having used several websites for this very same purpose, I thought there was room for improvement. I saw it as a UX-challenge to create the perfect streamlined VAT-journey.